Friday, 20 February 2009


The Ancient

Grains numbed by sea sprite

Bound endless in mire

Tales to tell

How long does granny watch

Her eyes twinkle in her smooth face

Black the gleaming tears

Palest pink every crevice

In circle she stands tall

Her days are slated

Wisdom waits

As days turn centuries

And the infants climb her skirts

Tarn and pots her trade in stock

Great wastelands empty her belly

Devoured of coal and tree

Great Cathedral sown in grannies smile

Wind grabs at her mantle

As granny crumbles and rubbles

Time whips at her faces

And she waits no more

How long does granny watch?

Craggy and unsure

Tales to tell

Till the infants climb no more.

1 comment:

  1. hi - this relates to your blogpost and the comment you left on mine. Mother Earth will survive, humanity will die out with the coming ice age. Very sad that we've done this to our planet.
    luv mother earth© JL
